Hetalia Mochi - Russia

Thursday, 9 August 2018


  • ·         Any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer

Commonly used in :


Input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer or mobile device.

Ergonomic keyboard
  •  Design to reduces the chance of repetitive strain injuries
  • Incorporates comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of the workplace.

Pointing devices

Pointer with a small symbol on the screen whose location and shape change as a user moves a pointing device.

  • A pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably.
  • Example : Optical mouse, laser mouse, and touch mouse.

  • A small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure and motion.

Pointing Stick
  • A pressure-sensitive pointing device shaped like a pencil eraser that is positioned between keys on a mobile computer keyboard

  • A stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side

Pen Input
Easier for users to touch on a flat surface using a stylus or digital pen to write, draw, or make selections.

Graphics Tablet
  • An electronic plastic board that detects and converts movements of a style or digital pen into signals that are sent to the computer.

Motion Input
 Known as gesture recognition, users can guide on-screen elements using air gestures
Joysticks, wheels, gamepads
  • Technology that sends resistance to the device in response to actions of the user

Voice Input
The process of entering input by speaking into a microphone

Speech recognition 
  • The computer or mobile device’s capability of distinguishing spoken words

Audio Input
The process of entering any sound into the computer such as speech, music, and sound effects
Music production
  • Software allows users to record, compose, mix, and edit music and sounds

Video Input
The process of capturing full-motion images and storing them on a computer or mobile device’s storage medium

Digital video (DV) camera that can :
  •  Capture video and still images
  • Send email messages with video attachments
  • Add live images to instant messages
  • Broadcast live images over the Internet
  • Make video calls
  • Conduct videoconferences

Scanners and Reading Devices
A light-sensing input device that reads printed text and graphics and then translates the results into a form the computer can process

Flatbed scanner
·         Works in a manner similar to a copy machine except it creates a file of the document in memory instead of a paper copy
Bar code reader
·         Known as bar code scanner uses laser beams to read bar codes
QR code
·         Stores information in both a vertical and horizontal direction
Magstripe Readers
·         Read the magnetic stripe on the back of cards such as credit card , bank card and other card.


·         Data that has been processed into a useful form.

Output Devices

-   Visually conveys text, graphics, and video information
·         A display that is packaged as a separate peripheral device such as LCD monitor
·         To display a high quality image monitor should plug into:
1.  A DVI port
2.  An HDMI port
3.  A Display Port
  • The most advanced form of digital television that the user uses home as display.

Data projector 
  • Device that takes the text and images displaying on a computer or mobile device screen and projects them on a larger screen

- Produces text and graphics on a physical medium

Nonimpact printer
Forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper without actually contacting the paper. Example :-
  • Ink-jet printer - forms characters and graphics by spraying tiny drops of liquid ink onto a piece of paper
  • Laser Print
          - A high quality printer that produce a high quality copy.
  •          All-in-one printer 
    - A single device that prints, scans, copies, and in some cases, faxes
  •  Thermal printer - Generates images by pushing electrically heated pins against the heat-sensitive paper
  •  Mobile printer - Allows a mobile user to print from a mobile device
  • Label - A small printer that prints on an adhesive-type material that can be placed on a variety of items

-   Attach surround sound and generate higher-quality sounds

  •  Speakers that cover or are placed outside of the ear.

Earbuds (also called earphones)
  • Rest inside the ear canal to make users listen sharply.

Assistive Technology Input and Output
  • Braille input
  • Braille printer

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